Rabu, 18 April 2012

Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner

Hello.... This is my 1st review .... I would like to review my favorite toner so far... this is Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner... It comes on 2 sizes, 250 ml and 500 ml which I have now...

the bigest size it comes on unique pump inside the cap, It makes it easier to take an appropriate ammount of the toner without handle it... just pump on cotton then the toner comes out beautifully (I always use a half of square cotton to eliminate much left over absorbed toner)

this product claims that has 7 in 1 total pore solution , here it is :
1. Maintain ph 4,5+/- 1
2. Refine the skin tones
3. Keep the elasticy of pores
4. Deep cleanses pores
5. Minimize appearance of pores
6. Control a large amount of the sebum
7. Mouisturize inside and outside of skin
Really sounds promising, right?? LOL

and this is really works on my normal combination skin... I have been using this toner for 1-2 months and you can see how much toner left from photo..Before I knew this toner, I have some troubled skin, acne and it's friends come and go as they like to stay on my face.... and now, I can say so rarely comes on...Having acne, for me, is not so annoying than it scars left behind after it healed........ so annoying to have red and then chocolate scars on your cheek....  ===> still strungle to eliminate it until now.... huffff............

No wonder, because this is also claimed as :

- Anti Pore-Dex complex, which is I refer to anti demodex...  Demodex folliculorum is a species of face mite. This is one of the parasitic/commensal face mites that occur on people, These mites are found in the human hair follicles, normally found in greater numbers around the cheeks, eyebrows, eyelashes, forehead, and nose, and live in our pores and hair follicles..(source : wikipedia)... It is one of acne causing.
- Astringentlex, which is for minimize appearance of pores... as freshner and astringent.

Okay... this is summary of my review :

Pros :
- non parabens.... and 6 free "dangerous" ingredients... (except alcohol denat)
- the price , quite affordable for the size (of course for the advantages)
- using herbal extracts..
- it works on my skin, eliminate acnes faster and as it claimed.
- non drying and of course non comedogenic
- the pump... no need to move the big bottle.. (but I think it only on biggest size, 500ml) 

Cons :
- the smell... some kind of citrus and I can't even figure it out... but not the biggest problem at all.. some people might be like to use fragrance free products, but I don't have any skin allergy because of fragranced skincare, so I prefer to have fragranced products and get the little aromatherapy from it.... LOL

The last words for this toner...  Superb, I love it & great choice .. !! I will repurchase if I run out... (But it will took so loonnggg....)

3 komentar:

  1. cici..akhirnya aku PO ini..termakan racunmuu..hihi :p

  2. hehehe.....ketemu disini, nesss.... semoga cocok ya nesss pake ini kalo barangnya datang...... ntar review2 juga yaakkk..... hehe

  3. jadi pori2nya tambah kecil ga? :D

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