Jumat, 27 April 2012

SKIN FOOD Salmon Brightening Eye Cream (Whitening Cosmeceutical)

Hello everyone.... In this time, I would like to write down my review about SKIN FOOD Salmon Brightening Eye Cream (Whitening Cosmeceutical )...

sorry for the poor quality photo

Before I continue, I'll tell you that I have a dark circle problem under my eyes, since I was very young... I've noticed it since I was 12 years old... (grhhhhh... so annoying, Isn't it ?? ) and It continues until now... (my age ?? hehhehe, 3+ lah... my sweet secret now revealed... LOL ) It worsen because I don't get enough 8 hours sleep every day...

This is my first eye cream that supposely targeted for my dark circle problem.... I have highly expectations when I recieved this cream in my hand and started to apply it under my eye... This eye cream  comes to 30g in glass(inside)-metal(outside) vintage jar, makes it so sturdy jar, with the plastic cap inside the metal...
I don't know how to tell the excatly color of the metal, I think it describes that this cream is containing salmons... And I'm falling in love to this design of jar, very vintage... even for the paper sticker is also vintage, blur as this jar is very old...

This is from the blurry paper sticker around the jar :

Salmon Brightening Eye Cream "Cosmeceutical" containing arbutin and the extract of Omega3 - rich salmon roe. Produced in Hokkaido Japan. This eye cream brightens and relieves dark circle around the eyes
to use : Use on toned skin. Apply an adequate amount around the eyes and then gently pat using fingertips for faster absorption...

OMG... My eyes suddenly so tired after I read this... It's very super blurry sticker ... Grhhhhh.... 

and that's the only english among the korean alphabets.... Including the ingredients.....  (Couldn't read korean, No clue for the others (chemical) ingredients except the active ingredients...)

This eye cream is white lightly soft cream which easily to absorbs....soft floral fragrance (no salmon things).... and a little goes a long way...  I use it almost a year ( I used it 1st time on June 2011) twice daily, or sometimes I apply it 3 times a day if my under eye needs more hydrations... and it still left for more next months applications... LOL

Summary :

Pros :
  • a little goes a long way
  • doesn't cause millia  on me (milia are white or yellow bumps that appear around -espcially- the eye)
  • lightweight & easily to absorbs

Cons :
  • does a little effect on my dark circles.... Still on, but it's little better than before using it..
  • comes in jar, lacking higiene for daily usage
  • no clue for the complete ingredients (except only for everyone who can read korean)

Great choice?? hmmmm I don't think it's great, but it's only my average choice because it doesn't give wow results on my dark circles... It must be because my habit which don't get enough sleep 8 hours everyday.... This is my honest opinion about this eye cream effects only on me, Don't take it too much about this review, who knows this cream would be your Holy Grail eye cream (according to your skin responses...) and of course  it definitely will be good if it combine with Salmon Brightening Eye serum and Salmon Brightening Eye message Serum
I hope it helps.....

Kamis, 19 April 2012

Innisfree The Green Tea Seed serum

Innisfree..... one of my favorite Korean skincare brand... It's "green" skincare, using natural extracts ingredients and mostly the products are claimed safe from 7 "dangerous" chemical ingredients...even they are still using some of it on several products ...

Lately I concern about having "safe" products for my daily skincare regime..  I'm concerning most about free parabens products ... I know that it's still being controversy about parabens can cause a (breast) cancer (CMIIW, plss) , but if I can avoid it (a little..) Why am I not avoid it ??? I know that fully avoiding skincare products with parabens it so hard, because most of mass skincare products are still use it as preservative...

Back to the topic.... Innisfree The green tea seed serum is the serum that I'm using now.. I love the serum as it makes your moisturiser go much further when used after the serum. It comes to 80 ml in a sturdy green plastic bottle with pump ... the cap is very fit on the shape of pump... easy to take off, easy to put on... just easy, love it..... and this is one of Innisfree's best seller product ...

I've been using it since approximatelly middle of january 2012, until I wrote this review....and you can see the serum left from photo... more than half bottle I've been used.. I use it twice daily with 1,5 - 2 pumps for entire face and neck..

This is unboxed bottle.... I forgot to took it with the box (btw, the box printed with soy ink)... LOL

And the box says :

This antioxidant-moisturizing serum, creates a dewy and clear complexion as the seed ingredients harvested from the organic green tea gardens in Jeju Island intensively hold onto skin moisture and the natural hydrating betain ingredients promote moisture synthesis within skin layers..

Directions :
Apply an appropriate ammount onto cleansed face

Usage order
Serum-Skin-Lotion-Eye cream-Creams (Deep Cream)

Ingredients : ( I just write the extracts and herbals ingredients which are believed to bring the advantages on skin, okay !!!! )
*camellia sinensis leaf extract (Organic Farming Ingredients), camellia japonica leaf extr, orchid extract, citrus unshu peel extract, opuntia coccinellifera fruit extract, camellia sinensis seed oil, theobroma cacao (cocoa) extract, hydrogenated castor oil.....
and niacinamide (vitamin B3/niacin, , helps even out skin tone and is an ideal maintenance treatment for hyperpigmentation)..

This lightweight serum is so runny, smells good , and absorbs quickly ... IMO, this serum is ideal for oily and normal combination skin (like mine).... but I think it's for all skin type, but different skins,different response...

After using it for almost fully 3 months, I can see the diffrence on my skin tone, it's brighter and clearer (except I still having some acne scars...)

And ... this is it, my summary of my choice :

Pros  :
- free parabens.... (4-free system)
- absorbs quickly
- smells good
- doesn't break me out
- a little goes a long way
- big volume for serum (80 ml)
- made from 100% organic green tea
- pump and the cap ... hygenic reason
- it works as it claimed

Cons :
Nothing ...

So... I can tell you, that it is my very great choice serum !!! my HG serum ever !!
& my must buy after it run out.....

Rabu, 18 April 2012

Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner

Hello.... This is my 1st review .... I would like to review my favorite toner so far... this is Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner... It comes on 2 sizes, 250 ml and 500 ml which I have now...

the bigest size it comes on unique pump inside the cap, It makes it easier to take an appropriate ammount of the toner without handle it... just pump on cotton then the toner comes out beautifully (I always use a half of square cotton to eliminate much left over absorbed toner)

this product claims that has 7 in 1 total pore solution , here it is :
1. Maintain ph 4,5+/- 1
2. Refine the skin tones
3. Keep the elasticy of pores
4. Deep cleanses pores
5. Minimize appearance of pores
6. Control a large amount of the sebum
7. Mouisturize inside and outside of skin
Really sounds promising, right?? LOL

and this is really works on my normal combination skin... I have been using this toner for 1-2 months and you can see how much toner left from photo..Before I knew this toner, I have some troubled skin, acne and it's friends come and go as they like to stay on my face.... and now, I can say so rarely comes on...Having acne, for me, is not so annoying than it scars left behind after it healed........ so annoying to have red and then chocolate scars on your cheek....  ===> still strungle to eliminate it until now.... huffff............

No wonder, because this is also claimed as :

- Anti Pore-Dex complex, which is I refer to anti demodex...  Demodex folliculorum is a species of face mite. This is one of the parasitic/commensal face mites that occur on people, These mites are found in the human hair follicles, normally found in greater numbers around the cheeks, eyebrows, eyelashes, forehead, and nose, and live in our pores and hair follicles..(source : wikipedia)... It is one of acne causing.
- Astringentlex, which is for minimize appearance of pores... as freshner and astringent.

Okay... this is summary of my review :

Pros :
- non parabens.... and 6 free "dangerous" ingredients... (except alcohol denat)
- the price , quite affordable for the size (of course for the advantages)
- using herbal extracts..
- it works on my skin, eliminate acnes faster and as it claimed.
- non drying and of course non comedogenic
- the pump... no need to move the big bottle.. (but I think it only on biggest size, 500ml) 

Cons :
- the smell... some kind of citrus and I can't even figure it out... but not the biggest problem at all.. some people might be like to use fragrance free products, but I don't have any skin allergy because of fragranced skincare, so I prefer to have fragranced products and get the little aromatherapy from it.... LOL

The last words for this toner...  Superb, I love it & great choice .. !! I will repurchase if I run out... (But it will took so loonnggg....)

Selasa, 17 April 2012


I welcoming myself for my new blog..... just my very 1st blog in my entire life.... LOL...
why I named this blog address " inthelandofchoices.blogspot.com " ?? it seems so hard to read and write... but this name derivated from "IN THE LAND OF CHOICES" ahaa....
No doubt that a life is full of choices.. so many choices when building a life and your choices can influence your general life... simple way to choose a beauty product.... will influences on your beauty appearance... that's I want to tell that I love skincare products that I will review most on this blog .... I am helped to choose various skincare products even the cook recipes from many blogs, now it's my return to help all..

Welcome me, welcome You (who stumbled on this blog.. LOL ) !!!! XOXO